The articles in this section cover all the core concepts needed for you to understand base API and URL syntax, map your current AMS workflow or build new MK.IO workflows.


MK.IO offers access to professional broadcast-grade video applications for Live Streaming, VOD Transcode, and Origin/Packaging services – with workflows built for AMS compatibility.

Initially, a simple set of four workflows are accessible via API and through the portal: whether a live stream or a file, you can encode, transform, protect and stream your content.

Live processing and recording

MK.IO enables single or multi-bitrate streams to be ingested and processed and streamed, allowing you to deliver live events and live services.

Live events ingest and process live sources, two types of Live events exist:

  • Live passthrough: in case you already have a multi-bitrate video stream, you can transmit it using RTMP. Your video is forwarded without additional processing to the 'just-in-time packager' (Streaming Endpoint) for streaming.
  • Live encoding: transmit a single stream that is encoded into multiple-bitrate video streams at different resolutions.

Live content can be recorded and stored as an asset on your connected Azure storage account ( Connect your Azure storage account ).

Content processing and recording

Capability to upload and transcode video files, resultant asset is published to your Azure storage account ( Connect your Azure storage account). Existing assets can be imported into the new platform allowing you to access your AMS archive ( Migrate your Azure Media Services assets ).

Video streaming

For Live and On-Demand content, MK.IO provides you the ability to stream assets from your Azure storage buckets (connected to your account) through a pre-defined Streaming Endpoints. Streaming endpoints can be connected to multiple destinations and enable you to 'Just-in-time-Package' and encrypt your content for delivery.

Content protection

MK.IO provides simple (base AES encryption) or advanced Content Protection (using common DRMs Widevine, FairPlay and Playready). The encryption is applied during the packaging process to either your live or on-demand content.